Monday, February 27, 2023
Almost there
Friday, February 3, 2023
Learning while I am working with these new themes
Linking pages with same theme together right now, hoping it will be more easy to navigate that way. People often are in a hurry and read only beginning of pages or see only a few pictures in a larger photo collection. This theme has large text in a for me easy read type or font. Makes it easy to correct words I have by mistake spelled wrong. Also I like that the last updated post is placed in a very visible manner on top of page. I do not have to make a separate list of that to go in the sidebar. The post or textblock I add automatically also comes with the first letter of the post in a larger font and the picture is placed in the right margin. While reading I also can see the title of the blogpage and I noted that this layout also is functional on for example an Ipad. (Samsung)
Före jultomten fanns det en tradition om att julbockar kastade in paket genom dörren i advent och kanske redan månaderna innan. Jag tänker a...
Trots allt hade vi vackert väder idag. Så här på eftermiddagen, en dag som annars handlade om biltrubbel. Men även denna dag blir gårdag ...